While the hotel is beautiful, the service at the front desk is terrible. I rented a high end car and the keys were delivered the night I arrived. They were air tagged and the owner forwarded me the courier's confirmation.
When I asked the front desk they couldn't find them. They checked in the back without luck. There was no record they had received them. I checked with the hotel valet and the office park valet, also nothing.
The car owner got on the phone, had their AirTag live and confirmed to the front desk that it showed the keys near the front desk. The person gave me a lot of attitude saying he was on duty during the delivery time and NOTHING was delivered.
As a result I cancelled the car reservation and booked another at roughly 4x the price due to the lateness.
That evening security called to inform me they did, in fact, have the keys which were delivered as reported and put in the hotel safe. The staff failed to make note of this, failed to check the safe, and otherwise just failed.
To make matters worse, I informed the manager the next day and other than apologize, he did nothing to indicate he would speak to his staff so this didn't happen again and nothing to try and make up for their mistake that cost me money and, more importantly, half a day of time.
Loews doesn't care about its customers. I've stayed there before, but never again. There are plenty of other hotels in Miami that can handle the basics.