It's 2024, what property does not have a USB port to charge electronics? It was ridiculous. I've never been somewhere that didn't have a USB port, so I could not charge my phone as the front desk told me there were no USB ports in the entire facility. Also, the area of the hotel was very suburban. It was not walkable to any restaurants or coffee shops. The room was clean and tidy but very warm so I didn't want to put on the air conditioner but I wanted to put on the fan and when it did not work, I went to the front desk and they told me that they don't allow you to turn on the unit in October, even if it is just for the fan and not for the air conditioner. They told me to open my window, which would have been wonderful but the bus and trolley stop were right outside of my window, so it was noisy in my room with the window closed nevermind, open.